The Benefits of Massage: Cerebral Palsy
Neuromuscular Massage for those with Cerebral Palsy has a vast number of benefits for those of all ages.
Deep therapeutic massage therapy are most beneficial for chronic muscle problems associated with cerebral palsy. Compensatory muscles can become overworked and painful. The repetitive stimulation provided by massage can also reduce pain through the gate control theory (blocks pain signals).
Neuromusculsr massage can assist with releasing spasticity by helping to break down subcutaneous adhesions and preventing fibrosis. It can lead to improved sensory feedback from muscle spindle receptors and help to relax the affected muscles.
Easter Seal Society and the United Cerebral Palsy Foundation (UCP) in Miami found that in children with cerebral palsy showed improvement of physical symptoms including reduced spacity, reduced hypertonic muscle tone (less rigid muscles), and reduced hand and feet contractures with massage therapy.
When muscles are relaxed and less rigid, fine and gross motor functioning improves. This can help children with cerebral palsy in all aspects of their lives, including playing, socializing, learning, and carrying out daily tasks. It can still benefit adults maintain function and muscle performance.
A study on massage and cerebral palsy published by Nursing Times indicates that regular massages promote changes in color and temperature of paralyzed limbs, as well as increased blood circulation. Better blood circulation results in lowered blood pressure, improved nutrition absorption, increased oxygen intake, and reduced heart rate.
According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) and a study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), massaging may play an important role in the quality of sleep. It has proven to offer an array of mental, emotional, and physical benefits.